
Tuesday, February 21, 2012

2012 Ready to rock!

With the start of 2012 we welcome some new blood into the team for what is going to be a huge year.
Most of the new athletes we have trained with previously or known in some way and I’m excited to be joining them on the team this year. As Brett has said the athletes have been chosen because they are tough, willing to work hard and have shown ability rather than just having raw potential.
One of my most memorable moments last year was when I went to Thailand to meet the rest of the team and sponsors. One of the days was a cruise around some islands and some photos for the sponsors, at some point we were all sat down as a group and were told that the critics didnt think the athletes in the team were any good and we were not going to get any results. I remember Sutto said ” This happens every year, and every year we prove them wrong”
The talk!
And we did! Though looking back at the new members in the team last year I can see it from the critics side, it was a huge gamble. New to the team we had Mary Beth, Dave Dellow, Dan, Dianna, Christian, George, Felicity and myself among others. None of us really had any great results.
Dave had been plagued with injury for years, got some solid results but never able to train long enough to reach his full potential- By the end of 2011 he won the biggest race in Australia at Noosa raced 2 Irondistance races and had a list of great results in some of the toughest races, without injury.
Mary Beth had taken the Ironman world by storm with three wins in the space of two months, after looking like she might have been washed up before joining the team.
Dianna went from battling for  top 10 results to fighting for podiums at every race she attended.
And I had my best year by far winning my first Ironman tittle and some other solid results in the UK and Europe.
The big fella wins Noosa!
We look forward to what Bella,Mathias, Carrie, Matt, Ali and the Hairy man from Gran-Canaria Bayliss have got up their sleeves for this year.
The season starts for us as a team mostly around Australia/Oceania from January through until about May with a Camp on the Sunshine Coast and lots of races here and there before the Aussie winter kicks in and we head back to Switzerland for the European season and off coarse the big dance in Hawaii.
Look out for us around the races!
Cheers, Aaron.